JD Gibson – The Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur will YOU!

JD Gibson, the author of the popular business tomb, "The Middle Class Mindset Escape Plan," that has helped people move from W2 to entrepreneur in a matter of months joins the Vast Voice. The Texan talks about what elevated him from being "just a doc(tor)" to becoming such a big businessman he now owns one of the most beautiful estates in Texas.

Gibson goes over some of his ideas like:

1) Think like the wealthy

2) Identify and change the bad "Monetary Imprint Gene."

3) And, finally, he talks about the big changes smaller Entrepreneur's need to do to get on the path to success.


If you have any questions you can reach our office at:


Phone: (888) 808-8278
Email: info@old.vastsolutionsgroup.com
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Thank you for listening!

Kenner French, is a former small business contributor at Forbes.com, author of three books, an executive at AI-focused VastSolutionsGroup.com, a keynote speaker, and a Dave Matthews Band fan!



Kenner French

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...of ABC's Shark Tank says in this video that Kenner is using AI "in an innovative way to help (entrepreneurs) save on taxes." Kenner has saved hundreds (if not thousands) of entrepreneurs IRS/tax dollars, increase wealth, and protect their financial legacy. His strategy can work for you as it has so many entrepreneurs across the globe!
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