Five Easy Essential Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs

Hey there, entrepreneurs! Tax season is upon us, and it can feel like a battlefield for the unprepared. But fear not! Today, we're bringing you the ultimate weapon: Five Easy Essential Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs with the one and only Kenner French.

Kenner, the mastermind behind and a key executive at, isn't just a business guru, he's also a tax whiz. He's here to share his top secrets to slash your tax bill and maximize your savings.

Ready to outsmart the taxman? Buckle up!

Kenner's Arsenal of Tax-Saving Strategies:

  1. Master the Art of Tax Harvesting: Learn how to strategically buy and sell investments to minimize your tax burden.
  2. Unlock the Power of Long-Term Capital Gains: Discover how holding your investments for the long haul can benefit from lower tax rates.
  3. Turn Your IRA into a Tax-Saving Powerhouse: Learn how to leverage IRAs to watch your retirement savings grow tax-free (or with significant tax advantages).
  4. Uncover the Backdoor Roth IRA (but Listen Closely): This hidden gem might have some eligibility requirements, so Kenner will explain everything you need to know.
  5. Explore Qualified Plans: Dive into the world of SEP IRAs and Solo 401(k)s, specifically designed for self-employed individuals like you.

Remember, an entrepreneur's best friend is a good tax advisor. Kenner emphasizes the importance of scheduling regular consultations with qualified tax and financial advisors. Quarterly meetings ensure you stay on top of your finances and maximize savings year-round.

Don't miss this golden opportunity! Tune in to learn the details of each strategy and gain the knowledge to navigate tax season with confidence.


If you have any questions or would like a complimentary one hour tax review you can reach our office at:

Phone: (888) 808-8278
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Thank you for listening!

Kenner French, is a former small business contributor at, author of three books, an executive at AI-focused, a keynote speaker, and a Dave Matthews Band fan!



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