2024 Top 10 IRS Tax Tips

People think April 15th is Tax Time but actually if you get things organized at that time it is too late. Get ready now! Tax laws can be confusing, leaving many unsure of what they may deduct and how they should file. However, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the process can be simpler...

Nancy Steidl talks running a business in today’s world

This episode features an interview with Nancy Steidl, an international business consultant and intellectual property law specialist based in the UK. Nancy shares her wealth of experience and expertise on starting and operating a successful business. She emphasizes the critical importance of having a solid business plan before launching, understanding the legal structures and regulations...

Can You Become a 401(k) Millionaire? Here’s How!

Many people are achieving millionaire status through their 401(k) retirement plans, thanks to features like automatic enrollment and increased contribution rates. This trend highlights the importance of prioritizing retirement savings and making wise investment choices. Becoming a 401(k) Millionaire Requires Commitment Building a million-dollar 401(k) is a marathon, not a sprint. Here's what it takes:...

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